Analyzing rare disease trial design over time: exploring alternative trial design

Samantha Chesney
Clinical Solutions Specialist
Clarivate Analytics
This session will explore trial design components in the rare disease space. Have they changed over time to align with the need for simplified design in order to be more accessible to the rare disease population? Our clinical solutions expert will discuss closing the gaps in data intelligence collection and improving efficiencies.
In this session the questions we will address include:
  • Where are the unmet needs in rare diseases and niche patient populations?
  • What are the trial timelines for rare disease trials and how have they changed over time?
  • Can I analyze granular clinical trials information at the gene variant or patient segment level?
  • How does my patient segmentation strategy affect trial success?
  • Can I analyze rare diseases from a global perspective to find the sites that can enroll the patients I need?
  • How can I determine where my highest competition will be for site selection?